Prelaunching meeting in Paris

A prelaunching meeting occured in Paris on 4 November 2011. A Lebanese visiting committee formed of the President of the University of Balamand, the Director General of Higher Education, the President of the Lebanese University and the Vice President of the University of Balamand have visited:

  • the Universities' Presidents' Organisation where they have been received by Mr. Gesson, the President of the University of Poitiers as the head of the international committee in the French Universities' Presidents' Organisation
  • the AERES, the French Quality Assurance Agency, where they have been received by the President and Vice President and the head of the international relations
  • the Ministry of Higher Education where they have been received by Mr. Coulan, the Director of Strategy and Plannification
  • The whole day aimed at meeting the principal actors in France (the CIEP in France being the European member of the steering commitee) to present an example of a quality assurance model to the Lebanese delegation. At the end of the day a session was dedicated to the steering committee to tune some organisational aspects.

    A report summarizing the visits and the outcomes has been written and validated by the different partners present in the meeting.